Sunday, January 17, 2016

5 Ways to Increase Mental Peace, Defeat Anxiety, stress & OCD

5 Ways to Increase Mental Peace, Defeat Anxiety, stress & OCD

1.  Just let the thought Go: 

When disturbing thoughts come to you...Just let it go. Do not try to judge or try to prove it false. Do not try to stop. Just see thought as thought. Just let it come and go. Do not add emotion, judging or try to stop. Think it like watching TV but without emotion. You will not get success in first day. But try to improve little by little. If you can do this. Your compulsion will be delayed. Make delay to perform the compulsion like washing hand etc. by little time while not seeing thought like only thought and remembering you are not your thought. You will not be a superman if a thought comes to your mind of being a superman. Or being president of USA. Just let it come and go. See how much you able to resist the temptation to stop, judge, add emotion to it.

Increase Physical Exercise: 

Our Mind can hold One thought at a time. While doing physical exercise we are engaged with mindfulness of physical training. Beside of that it releases hormone that can reduce stress.

3. Be Thankful: 

Close your eye and be thankful whatever you have good things in your life. Practise this two minute. It is really mood enhancer.

4. Mindfulness: 

Try to concentrate on the present time. Just relax and try to live only in present time. This reduce our habit of over thinking.

5. Concentrate on Breathing:

While negative thought comes to you or compulsion comes to you try to concentrate on Breathing. Try to delay the compulsion and let the thought go (No. 1 technique in this article). Delay it even for little bit of time and increase it little by little.

Download the Free Increase Mental Peace e-book Click Here

Download the free self-help e- book...CLICK HERE